Thursday, November 19, 2009

Do you believe?

Never perfect...just believe

There is never a perfect time for always and forever.When we feel it in that moment then it is our moment.We will never come across a time when whatever became ours wasn't for us.Just believe...

There is never a perfect time for life to be peaceful.Chaos swirling around, we have to know that this too will pass.The valleys belong to us just as much as our peaks do. Mistakes made, lessons learned. In giving our best is where we find some peace.Just believe...

There is never a perfect time for you to become mine and me to become yours.When the door to your heart opens and I walk in, thus our journey begins. Only time will tell the true story of us, but who are we to deny what it can and will be?Just believe...

There is never a perfect time to like, lust, and love beyond ourselves.Imaginations abound, faith keeping us grounded. Beaming light into each others' darkness. Sending our hearts to reach into uncharted territories of the Souls.Just believe...

Never perfect are we, just believe in the us we have become. Trust in our imperfections for they are a part of the Perfect we can hold.

-CallaLili 11/2009

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