Monday, December 29, 2008


As the holiday season winds down, we begin to gear up our preparations for the New Year! To me, this is always such an exciting time of year. But it is also bittersweet, in the sense, that another year is ending and there are so many moments that we have to bid adieu to.
However, we all know that time marches on and so must we. As you prepare for the New Year and all of its festive celebrations, think of what else you need to do for yourself to prepare.What or whom will you "shed" from you or your life in the new year? What are you promising to yourself in the new year? What do you want from the new year? What from the new year will you welcome into your life and heart?
By answering these questions and doing a little soul searching, you will begin to find a way of preparing that might open you up to so much of what you deserve in the New Year!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

How Merry was your Christmas?

Well wishes that you have received for the holiday season have begun with the word "merry". But what does it mean to be "merry" or for something to be "merry"?
According to, merry means " full of cheerfulness or gaiety; joyous in disposition or spirit". I hope that as you celebrated, you found merriness in your festivities! I hope that as you celebrated, you found time to merrily share and give of yourself! I hope that as you celebrated, you found the merriest moments of all Christmases!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What is it Worth?

As we continue our merry ways in the Holiday season, we are keeping in mind our budgets for gifts, going out, and our day to day. As hard as we might try, we fight to stay within our budgets and to get things done. But I ask you pause for a minute and ask yourself....what is it all worth?

Shopping = 8+ hours
Newest gaming system= $250
Cashmere sweater= $50 +
New boots= $200
New coat= $150
New designer jeans= $75 +
New diamond anything= $100 +
CDs, DVDs= $11 +

Spending time with loved ones & friends= priceless
Telling someone how much you care for them= priceless
Helping someone (whether you know them or not!)= priceless
Writing personal notes to others (not an email...)= priceless
Taking a walk= priceless
Exercising= priceless (and helps to relieve stress!)
Savoring something sweet to eat= priceless
Praying (or just chatting with God)= priceless
Being still= priceless

This season, take time to look at your lists and decide what are things really worth to you and in your life. Spend more time on and giving those things that could be "priceless"! Believe me they would be so worth it!

Monday, December 22, 2008

'Tis the Season for giving..

Christmas is upon us! The frenzy of finding the "perfect gift" for everyone that you value has been in the works since Halloween and for some, all year! I understand the importance of giving to others. Especially in these times, it is also important to give something of great meaning. However, make yourself a priority! It is important to not forget to get something for yourself and I'm not speaking of anything materialistic.
Give yourself time (do whatever you want with it!).
Give yourself something that can't wait any longer.
Give yourself permission.
Give yourself something fun, exciting or passionate.
Give to yourself (period).

I know that it may seem like a new concept or insane, but just TRY IT. By doing this, you will be able to give so much more to others throughout the new year!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

What makes you happy?

According to a survey by Real Simple magazine (Jan. 2009). the 3 things that the happiest women do are:
1. They cancel appointments to get more alone time.
2. They don't always answer the phone.
5. They know how to say no.

Sounds so simple, doesn't it?! Well it is about time to find happiness in simple ways! :-)

I always try to view happiness as a verb, a vehicle to achieving what ever my heart and mind desired.
What will you want happiness to do for you? What is a simple way to obtain it?

Try with the three above...I dare you!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This is dedicated to...

Dedication to My One and Only

Love, I can no longer search nor reach for you.

I’ve looked for you high as in 6 feet 7 to as low as 4 feet 11.
Things used to be simple between us. To discover you,
I simply has to check the “yes” box. Now you play
“Hide and Seek” and some days “Destroyer” with
My heart.

Then I began to contemplate about the violations you
Committed. But yet I still permitted you to occupy my
Which for you, I sold over and over again.

I remember the times when I was alluring
Enough for you to allow me the pleasure
To nurture you in my bosom.
I felt like you were a treasure I found
In my exploration called Life.
And in return, all I asked of you was
For us to be close and I hoped that
You would one day make me
A wife.

Love, you have always been my one and only.
As enchanting as your spell is with its
Promises, dreams, happiness, and
Positive chi…

It leaves me lamenting.
For you evaded my grasp and I
Continued to run, trip, and fall for you.
All the while hoping to be captured or at
Least caught up in your rapture for me.

Seeking and desiring you with such an urgency
Like my life depended on it…or did it?
Since I only ended up in the emergency room
With a broken heart. That was the
Last time I would be in your presence and even
Then I didn’t think CPR could bring me back.

Now before you, I feel whole! Nothing lacking.
I have my wits and confidence.
I can move forward and gaze past you
Knowing that the within is what I could
Count on to last.

Now don’t get me wrong, you
Will always possess a special place
In my core.
However, Friend, the time has arrived
That you no longer demand more.

More of my time,
More of my mind,
More of my spirit,

And I no longer will
Address your requests.
For I am on to different


Monday, December 15, 2008

Letting Go

Why is it so hard to let go of certain things in our lives? Especially those that we care so much about?
The harder the decision to let go, sometimes meant the thing (person, situation, or material item) was most meaningful to you. However meaningful it may be, it may have run it's season or fulfilled its reason. The only way you can begin the process, you have to first look at why you hold on. And through the process, you must look at all and then be thankful for the experience. Letting it go, will be painful. You will have good and bad days. So why let go? There is not doubt that in doing so, you are stronger and growing. Growing is never easy!

Through the sadness, happiness will be found somewhere! Tomorrow is a new day and a part of a new you...Breathe, then let go.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happiness and Expectations

"Remember that very little is needed to make a happy life".
And expectations can become obligations.

Often we confuse the fulfillment of our expectations with achieving happiness.
I have tried stay a simple girl (K.I.S.S.- keep it simple sista!) but as I went along in life, I began to think that I had the right to expectations. And little by little those expectations became obligations and responsibilities to myself and others. All for the sake of searching for happiness.

This could not be farther from the truth. In fact, I read today about turning the word expectation into a verb, instead of treating it as a noun. Therefore, I will return to my promise of am expecting happiness; meaning, no one (not even me) is obligated in any way to make me happy.But expect its presentation to me in simple things of life.
And in that thought alone, I feel FREE !

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Just Being...

We are busier than ever before noted in time. We are all so busy DOING...
But what about just BEING?

Being present (this moment is a gift, that is why it is called what it is-the present)
Being friendly (it doesn't take much effort to be kind)
Being spontaneous (what more to say? Try something out of the ordinary...)
Being a good person (whether it is to a family member, friend, or stranger)
Being still (Do NOTHING!)

Often we do not take time for ourselves by being still and doing absolutely nothing. What can you get from this, you may ask? Lots! Most of all when I am still (not often enough!), I receive clarity, spiritual guidance, renewed energy. It is so well worth the time spent and it's feels good to slow down at times.

Today, be selfish...sit still and just be...YOU.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Decision Making

When you woke up this morning, you were faced with choices. Many of them.
How did you know whether or not you made the right ones? Do you base the decision on what feels right, what is rational, what excites you, what you were "taught" to do,what is in your best interest/ best interest of others or just on a whim- eenie, meenie, minie, mo?
Making decisions have always been rough for me. I am a very indecisive person. That is why I use all of the above reasons when I am in process of making decisions. Many times, I am so consumed about the consequences of my decisions that I get immobilized...which in turn...makes life pass on by.
But I say no more! Today, I am claiming to "check into life" and become a Decision-Maker! Make my decisions count and make sure that they count...just for me...that they count for something.
What will you make decisions about today? Decisions for you? What decisions will you make sure count? Be a Decision-Maker! There is beauty and happiness in that itself.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Live, Laugh, Love

This phrase or quote has become very well known in recent years. But have you stopped to think what it truly means?
I adopted it as one of my mantras to go by. Why?

Live- today is the only day you have for this exact moment and I'm trading a day in my life for it, so I better make it count!So live!

Laugh- laughter is the best medicine for pretty much anything...but it just makes you feel so good inside. Like a laugh! Loud!

Love- it is the only emotion to me that is worth anything in this world to feel. Without it, we are all lost. Take time to find it! In everything...

So take time today to figure out what you live for, what makes you laugh, what you love!

The beauty today...the good conversation with my 8th grade Peer Leaders (they sort of impressed me!).

Friday, December 5, 2008


Dave Pelzer, the author of " A Child Called It" and other books, pointed out in a meeting I attended, that time is short. Life will pass you by and so it is important to "Be Happy Now!".
What makes you happy? I've recently come to accept that MY happiness is MY reponsibility. It can not be found in external things and is pretty much all internal.
A part of growing and evolving is finding what makes you happy and seeking it ALL of the time!It also important to find the beauty in things all around you on a daily basis.

Today, I found beauty is something that brings me happiness-the laughter of my oldest niece!

Today, promise yourself that you will be happy NOW and find beauty is things around you! Doing this always makes living this journey of life much easier!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Alter Ego...

Some of you may have become acquainted with CallaLili...she is my right brain side and an author of is one of my favs...Enjoy!

In this Moment

In this moment

There are pains so

Deep that I will

Not speak of them

-give it voice.

There are fears

That bring tremors and

Straight hairs but

I will not notice them

-give it reality.

There are issues

That breathe of low

Self-confidence, distrust,

Selfishness and dislike

But I will not ponder them

-give it existence.

In this moment

There are tears that

Slid down my face.

I allow them

-give me a cleansing.

In this moment

There are my smiles

That light up a room.

I allow them

-give me a reason.

In this moment

There are prayers

That I shout.

I allow them

-give me hope.

In this moment…

There is me.

I have me and

You could too.


Looking in the Mirror

"Where are you physically, mentally, spiritually and financially? Examine yourself!.... If you reeeeeally tell the truth you'll find HAPPINESS and not an unhappy mess..."
-Rev. Run (Daily Word, Nov, 7th)

As we prepare for each day, we all look into the mirror at some point. However, when was the last time you really LOOKED into the mirror at yourself-in and out?
It is always very difficult to look at ourselves and examine every aspect, for we are the most critical and judgmental of ourselves. I, personally, have always struggled with this. But when I feel like there is nothing else I can do about a situation....I pick up "the mirror" and take a long hard look.
Deep down, I know it is the key step to finding happiness and being able to move forward in life. How will you know where you need to go if you haven't looked at where you have been?
Go ahead...take a look! Remember, do one thing each day that you are afraid to do. Today, take a look at your current life. Are you happy? If not, find what you want to change and begin to map out where you want to go! Happiness is a journey, not a destination...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I challenge you: Be Brave!

Some months ago, I came across an email from Skirt (Atlanta). It described The Be Brave Project. This initiative began with a simple quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, " Do one thing every day that scares you."

I love this quote! It rings true on so many levels and I would like to see more people (especially women) act on this. Challenge yourself, be brave, do it for a month, less or more, but the thing is to just try! I know that it will be my New Year's Promise( resolutions no longer work for me, don't know about you!) but will probably start it before then!

Good Luck with your journey and let me know how it goes for you!