Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Getting over the "hump"

Each day of the week has always had a meaning to me, in my adult life.
Don't care for Mondays (always get a "Case of the Mondays"!). Tuesdays I wish were my first work day of the week. Wednesdays are in the middle and are considered hump days. Thursdays are the planning days for the weekend plans. Fridays are for "lazying around".
With today being Wednesday, it is then Humpday. My best friend and I used to celebrate this day with dinner and drinks and lament over how we had gotten "over the hump" of the current week. These were some of the best hump days and I found it easier to "get over the hump" when I had something to look forward to! Now due to schedule conflicts, we no longer get together for our humpday dinners...but that doesn't mean that I can't find something else new to look forward to. In order to get over the hump!
Take time to today to decide what can you do for yourself to get over the hump. What can you look forward to just to make it through the week? How will you celebrate getting over the "hump"?!

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