Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This is dedicated to...

Dedication to My One and Only

Love, I can no longer search nor reach for you.

I’ve looked for you high as in 6 feet 7 to as low as 4 feet 11.
Things used to be simple between us. To discover you,
I simply has to check the “yes” box. Now you play
“Hide and Seek” and some days “Destroyer” with
My heart.

Then I began to contemplate about the violations you
Committed. But yet I still permitted you to occupy my
Which for you, I sold over and over again.

I remember the times when I was alluring
Enough for you to allow me the pleasure
To nurture you in my bosom.
I felt like you were a treasure I found
In my exploration called Life.
And in return, all I asked of you was
For us to be close and I hoped that
You would one day make me
A wife.

Love, you have always been my one and only.
As enchanting as your spell is with its
Promises, dreams, happiness, and
Positive chi…

It leaves me lamenting.
For you evaded my grasp and I
Continued to run, trip, and fall for you.
All the while hoping to be captured or at
Least caught up in your rapture for me.

Seeking and desiring you with such an urgency
Like my life depended on it…or did it?
Since I only ended up in the emergency room
With a broken heart. That was the
Last time I would be in your presence and even
Then I didn’t think CPR could bring me back.

Now before you, I feel whole! Nothing lacking.
I have my wits and confidence.
I can move forward and gaze past you
Knowing that the within is what I could
Count on to last.

Now don’t get me wrong, you
Will always possess a special place
In my core.
However, Friend, the time has arrived
That you no longer demand more.

More of my time,
More of my mind,
More of my spirit,

And I no longer will
Address your requests.
For I am on to different


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